Benchmark Test Functions

For convenience, a collection of benchmark functions is bundled with GloMPO. These may be helpful for testing purposes and may be used to experiment with different configurations and ensure a script is functional before being applied to a more expensive test case.

Ackley Implementation of the Ackley optimization test function [b].
Alpine01 Implementation of the Alpine Type-I optimization test function [a].
Alpine02 Implementation of the Alpine Type-II optimization test function [a].
Deceptive Implementation of the Deceptive optimization test function [a].
Easom Implementation of the Easom optimization test function [a].
ExpLeastSquaresCost Least squares type cost function.
Griewank Implementation of the Griewank optimization test function [b].
Langermann When called returns evaluations of the Langermann function [a] [b].
LennardJones Lennard-Jones energy potential function.
Levy Implementation of the Levy optimization test function [b].
Michalewicz Implementation of the Michalewicz optimization test function [b].
Qing Implementation of the Qing optimization test function [a].
Rana Implementation of the Rana optimization test function [a].
Rastrigin Implementation of the Rastrigin optimization test function [b].
Rosenbrock Implementation of the Rosenbrock optimization test function [b].
Schwefel Implementation of the Schwefel optimization test function [b].
Shekel Implementation of the Shekel optimization test function [b].
Shubert Implementation of the Shubert Type-I, Type-III and Type-IV optimization test functions [a].
Stochastic Implementation of the Stochastic optimization test function [a].
StyblinskiTang Implementation of the Styblinski-Tang optimization test function [b].
Trigonometric Implementation of the Trigonometric Type-II optimization test function [a].
Vincent Implementation of the Vincent optimization test function [a].
ZeroSum Implementation of the ZeroSum optimization test function [a].
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Basic API for Optimization test cases.

  • dims – Number of parameters in the input space.
  • delay – Pause (in seconds) between function evaluations to mimic slow functions.
__call__(x: Sequence[float]) → float[source]

Evaluates the function.

Parameters:x – Vector in parameter space where the function will be evaluated.
Returns:Function value at x.
Return type:float

Sequence of min/max pairs bounding the function in each dimension.


Delay (in seconds) between function evaluations to mimic slow functions.


Number of parameters in the input space.


The function value of the global minimum.


The location of the global minimum in parameter space.

class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Ackley(dims: int = 2, a: float = 20, b: float = 0.2, c: float = 6.283185307179586, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Ackley optimization test function [b].

\[f(x) = - a \exp\left(-b \sqrt{\frac{1}{d}\sum^d_{i=1}x_i^2}\right) - \exp\left(\frac{1}{d}\sum^d_{i=1}\cos\left(cx_i\right)\right) + a + \exp(1)\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-32.768, 32.768]\)

Global minimum: \(f(0, 0, ..., 0) = 0\)

Multimodal flat surface with a single deep global minima. Multimodal version of the Easom function.
  • a – Ackley function parameter
  • b – Ackley function parameter
  • c – Ackley function parameter
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Alpine01(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Alpine Type-I optimization test function [a].

\[f(x) = \sum^n_{i=1}\left|x_i\sin\left(x_i\right)+0.1x_i\right|\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-10, 10]\)

Global minimum: \(f(0, 0, ..., 0) = 0\)

Highly oscillatory non-periodic surface.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Alpine02(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Alpine Type-II optimization test function [a].

\[f(x) = - \prod_{i=1}^n \sqrt{x_i} \sin{x_i}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [0, 10]\)

Global minimum: \(f(7.917, 7.917, ..., 7.917) = -6.1295\)

Moderately oscillatory periodic surface.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Deceptive(dims: int = 2, b: float = 2, *, shift_positive: bool = False, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Deceptive optimization test function [a].

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [0, 1]\)

Global minimum: \(f(a) = -1\)

Small global minimum surrounded by areas which slope away from it.
  • b – Non-linearity parameter.
  • shift_positive – Shifts the entire function such that the global minimum falls at 0.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Easom(*args, shift_positive: bool = False, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Easom optimization test function [a].

\[f(x) = - \cos\left(x_1\right)\cos\left(x_2\right)\exp\left(-(x_1-\pi)^2-(x_2-\pi)^2\right)\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_1,x _2 \in [-100, 100]\)

Global minimum: \(f(\pi, \pi) = -1\)

Totally flat surface with a single very small bullet hole type minimum.
Parameters:shift_positive – Shifts the entire function such that the global minimum falls at 0.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.ExpLeastSquaresCost(dims: int = 2, n_train: int = 10, sigma_eval: float = 0, sigma_fixed: float = 0, u_train: Union[int, Tuple[float, float], Sequence[float]] = 10, p_range: Tuple[float, float] = (-2, 2), *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Least squares type cost function. Bespoke test function which takes the form of least squares cost function by solving for the parameters of a sum of exponential terms. Compatible with the GFLS solver.

\[\begin{split}f(p) & = & \sum_i^{n} (g - g_{train})^2\\ g(p, u) & = & \sum_i^d \exp(-p_i u)\\ g_{train}(p) & = & g(p, u_{train}) \\ u_{train} & = & \mathcal{U}_{[x_{min}, x_{max}]}\end{split}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-2, 2]\)

Global minimum: \(f(p_1, p_2, ..., p_n) \approx 0\)

Minimum sandwiched between very flat surface and very steep walls.
  • n_train – Number of training points used in the construction of the error function.
  • sigma_eval – Random perturbations added at the execution of each function evaluation. \(f = f(1 + \mathcal{U}_{[-\sigma_{eval}, \sigma_{eval}]})\)
  • sigma_fixed – Random perturbations added to the construction of the training set so that the global minimum error cannot be zero. \(g_{train} = g_{train}(1 + \mathcal{U}_{[-\sigma_{eval}, \sigma_{eval}]})\)
  • u_train – If an int is provided, training points are randomly selected in the interval \([0, u_{train})\). If a tuple is provided, training points are randomly selected in the interval \([u_{train,0}, u_{train,1}]\). If an array like object of length >2 is provided then the list is explicitly used as the locations of the training points.
  • p_range – Range between which the true parameter values will be drawn.


The properties min_fx and min_x are only guaranteed for sigma_fixed = 0; otherwise they are only estimates. This is because the added random noise may create a better fit of the data an unknown vector.

detailed_call(x) → Sequence[float][source]

Returns a sequence of contributions which are squared and summed to get the final function value.

class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Griewank(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Griewank optimization test function [b].

\[f(x) = \sum_{i=1}^d \frac{x_i^2}{4000} - \prod_{i=1}^d \cos\left(\frac{x_i}{\sqrt{i}}\right) + 1\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-600, 600]\)

Global minimum: \(f(0, 0, ..., 0) = 0\)

Highly oscillatory totally-periodic surface on a general parabolic surface. Similar to Rastrigin.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Langermann(*args, shift_positive: bool = False, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

When called returns evaluations of the Langermann function [a] [b].

\[\begin{split}f(x) & = & - \sum_{i=1}^5 \frac{c_i\cos\left(\pi\left[(x_1-a_i)^2 + (x_2-b_i)^2\right]\right)} {\exp\left(\frac{(x_1-a_i)^2 + (x_2-b_i)^2}{\pi}\right)}\\ \mathbf{a} & = & \{3, 5, 2, 1, 7\}\\ \mathbf{b} & = & \{5, 2, 1, 4, 9\}\\ \mathbf{c} & = & \{1, 2, 5, 2, 3\}\\\end{split}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_1, x_2 \in [0, 10]\)

Global minimum: \(f(2.00299219, 1.006096) = -5.1621259\)

Analogous to ripples on a water surface after three drops have hit it.
Parameters:shift_positive – Shifts the entire function such that the global minimum falls at ~0.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.LennardJones(atoms: int, dims: int, eps: float = 1, sigma: float = 1, *, delay=None)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Lennard-Jones energy potential function. Designed to predict the energy for clusters of atoms, this potential energy surface is characterized by steep cliffs, infinite values, and degenerate local and global minima.

The input vector \(\mathbf{x}\) is reshaped into an \(N \times d\) array (\(X\)) of \(d\)-dimensional Cartesian coordinates for \(N\) particles.

\[f(X) = 4\epsilon\sum_{i<j}{\left[\left(\frac{\sigma}{r_{ij}}\right)^{12} - \left(\frac{\sigma}{r_{ij}}\right)^6\right]}\]

where \(\epsilon\) and \(\sigma\) are parameters and \(r_{ij}\) is the Euclidean distance between particles \(i\) and \(j\).

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-2^{-1/6}\sigma\sqrt[3]{\frac{\pi}{3N}}, 2^{-1/6}\sigma\sqrt[3]{\frac{\pi}{3N}}]\)

Global minimum: Estimated from \(N\) and \(d\)

Global minima sandwiched between infinite values, flat surfaces and many local minima.
  • atoms – The number of particles (\(N\)).
  • dims – The number of Cartesian spatial dimensions (\(d\)).
  • eps – The magnitude parameter (\(\epsilon\)).
  • sigma – The shape parameter (\(\sigma\)).

The number of adjustable parameters in the optimization problem is \(Nd\).


The x parameter for the call method may be a \(Nd\) length vector or a \(N \times d\) array.

jacobian(x: Sequence[float]) → numpy.ndarray[source]

Returns the gradient (first derivative) of the function in all directions, calculated analytically. :param x: Vector in parameter space where the function will be evaluated.

Returns:Vector of derivatives for each dimension in x.
Return type:numpy.ndarray
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Levy(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Levy optimization test function [b].

\[\begin{split}f(x) & = & \sin^2(\pi w_1) + \sum^{d-1}_{i=1}\left(w_i-1\right)^2\left[1+10\sin^2\left(\pi w_i +1 \right)\right] + \left(w_d-1\right)^2\left[1+\sin^2\left(2\pi w_d\right)\right] \\ w_i & = & 1 + \frac{x_i - 1}{4}\end{split}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-10, 10]\)

Global minimum: \(f(1, 1, ..., 1) = 0\)

Moderately oscillatory periodic surface.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Michalewicz(dims: int = 2, m: float = 10, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Michalewicz optimization test function [b].

\[f(x) = - \sum^d_{i=1}\sin(x_i)\sin^{2m}\left(\frac{ix_i^2}{\pi}\right)\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [0, \pi]\)

Global minimum:

\[\begin{split}f(x) = \begin{cases} -1.8013 & \text{if} & d=2 \\ -4.687 & \text{if} & d=5 \\ -9.66 & \text{if} & d=10 \\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]
Flat surface with many valleys and a single global minimum.
Parameters:m – Parametrization of the function. Lower values make the valleys more informative at pointing to the minimum. High values (\(\pm10\)) create a needle-in-a-haystack function where there is no information pointing to the minimum.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Qing(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Qing optimization test function [a].

\[f(x) = \sum^d_{i=1} (x_i^2-i)^2\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-500, 500]\)

Global minimum: \(f(\sqrt{1}, \sqrt{2}, ..., \sqrt{n}) = 0\)

Globally flat with parabolic walls but has :math:`2^d` degenerate global minima.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Rana(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Rana optimization test function [a].

\[\begin{split}f(x) = \sum^d_{i=1}\left[x_i\sin\left(\sqrt{\left|x_1-x_i+1\right|}\right) \cos\left(\sqrt{\left|x_1+x_i+1\right|}\right)\\ + (x_1+1)\sin\left(\sqrt{\left|x_1+x_i+1\right|}\right) \cos\left(\sqrt{\left|x_1-x_i+1\right|}\right) \right]\end{split}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-500.000001, 500.000001]\)

Global minimum: \(f(-500, -500, ..., -500) = -928.5478\)

Highly multimodal and chaotic, optimum is on the lower bound
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Rastrigin(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Rastrigin optimization test function [b].

\[f(x) = 10d + \sum^d_{i=1} \left[x_i^2-10\cos(2\pi x_i)\right]\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-5.12, 5.12]\)

Global minimum: \(f(0, 0, ..., 0) = 0\)

Modulation of a unimodal paraboloid with multiple regular local minima.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Rosenbrock(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Rosenbrock optimization test function [b].

\[f(x) = \sum^{d-1}_{i=1}\left[100(x_{i+1}-x_i^2)^2+(x_i-1)^2\right]\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-2.048, 2.048]\)

Global minimum: \(f(1, 1, ..., 1) = 0\)

Global minimum is located in a very easy to find valley but locating it within the valley is difficult.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Schwefel(dims: int = 2, *, shift_positive: bool = False, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Schwefel optimization test function [b].

\[f(x) = 418.9829d - \sum^d_{i=1} x_i\sin\left(\sqrt{|x_i|}\right)\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-500, 500]\)

Global minimum: \(f(420.9687, 420.9687, ..., 420.9687) = -418.9829d\)

Multimodal and deceptive in that the global minimum is very far from the next best local minimum.
Parameters:shift_positive – Shifts the entire function such that the global minimum falls at ~0.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Shekel(dims: int = 2, m: int = 10, *, shift_positive: bool = False, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Shekel optimization test function [b].

\[f(x) = - \sum^m_{i=1}\left(\sum^d_{j=1} (x_j - C_{ji})^2 + \beta_i\right)^{-1}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-32.768, 32.768]\)

Global minimum: \(f(4, 4, 4, 4) =~ -10\)

Multiple minima of different depths clustered together on a mostly-flat surface.
  • m – Number of minima. Global minimum certified for m=5,7 and 10.
  • shift_positive – Shifts the entire function such that the function is strictly positive. Since this is variable for this function the adjustment is +12 and thus the global minimum will not necessarily fall at zero.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Shubert(dims: int = 2, style: int = 1, *, shift_positive: bool = False, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Shubert Type-I, Type-III and Type-IV optimization test functions [a].

\[\begin{split}f_I(x) & = & \sum^2_{i=1}\sum^5_{j=1} j \cos\left[(j+1)x_i+j\right]\\ f_{III}(x) & = & \sum^5_{i=1}\sum^5_{j=1} j \sin\left[(j+1)x_i+j\right]\\ f_{IV}(x) & = & \sum^5_{i=1}\sum^5_{j=1} j \cos\left[(j+1)x_i+j\right]\\\end{split}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-10, 10]\)

Highly oscillatory, periodic surface. Many degenerate global minima regularly placed.
  • style – Selection between the Shubert01, Shubert03 & Shubert04 functions. Each more oscillatory than the previous.
  • shift_positive – Shifts the entire function such that the global minimum falls at 0.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Stochastic(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Stochastic optimization test function [a].

\[\begin{split}f(x) & = & \sum^d_{i=1} \epsilon_i\left|x_i-\frac{1}{i}\right| \\ \epsilon_i & = & \mathcal{U}_{[0, 1]}\end{split}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-5, 5]\)

Global minimum: \(f(1/d, 1/d, ..., 1/d) = 0\)

Parabolic function with random evaluation noise making a substantial contribution.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.StyblinskiTang(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Styblinski-Tang optimization test function [b].

\[f(x) = \frac{1}{2}\sum^d_{i=1}\left(x_i^4-16x_i^2+5x_i\right)\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-500, 500]\)

Global minimum: \(f(-2.90, -2.90, ..., -2.90) = -39.16616570377 d\)

Similar to Qing function but minima are deceptively similar but not actually degenerate.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Trigonometric(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Trigonometric Type-II optimization test function [a].

\[f(x) = 1 + \sum_{i=1}^d 8 \sin^2 \left[7(x_i-0.9)^2\right] + 6 \sin^2 \left[14(x_i-0.9)^2\right]+(x_i-0.9)^2\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-500, 500]\)

Global minimum: \(f(0.9, 0.9, ..., 0.9) = 1\)

Parabolic but becomes a multimodal flat surface with many peaks and troughs near the minimum.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.Vincent(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the Vincent optimization test function [a].

\[f(x) = - \sum^d_{i=1} \sin\left(10\log(x)\right)\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [0.25, 10]\)

Global minimum: \(f(7.706, 7.706, ..., 7.706) = -d\)

'Flat' surface made of period peaks and trough of various sizes.
class glompo.benchmark_fncs.ZeroSum(dims: int, *, delay: float = 0)[source]

Bases: glompo.benchmark_fncs.BaseTestCase

Implementation of the ZeroSum optimization test function [a].

\[\begin{split}f(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & ext{if} \sum^n_{i=1} x_i = 0 \\ 1 + (10000|\sum^n_{i=1} x_i = 0|)^{0.5} & ext{otherwise} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Recommended bounds: \(x_i \in [-10, 10]\)

Global minimum: \(f(x) = 0 ext{where} \sum^n_{i=1} x_i = 0\)

Single valley of degenerate global minimum results that is not axi-parallel.