
GloMPO is licensed under GPL-3.0.


Contributions are welcome and can be submitted as pull requests here. Before contributing new material, please raise a new issue and tag it as enhancement. This will provide an opportunity to discuss the proposed changes with other contributors before a new feature is introduced.

Pull request checklist:

  1. Please ensure that your contributions follow general PEP 8 style guidelines;
  2. Only submit documented code;
  3. Make sure that all existing tests still pass or update the failing ones if they are no longer relevant;
  4. Include new tests if the current suite does not cover your contributions;
  5. Keep each pull request small and linked to a single issue.

Raising Issues

Raise any issues encountered on the appropriate GitHub page. Please include a MWE of the problem, a list of packages installed in your python environment, and a detailed description of the workflow which led to the error.

Citing GloMPO in Your Work

If you find GloMPO useful, please cite the follow article in your work:

Freitas Gustavo, M., Verstraelen, T. GloMPO (Globally Managed Parallel Optimization): a tool for expensive, black-box optimizations, application to ReaxFF reparameterizations. J Cheminform 14, 7 (2022).


[a]Gavana, A. (2013). Test Functions Index. Infinity77.
[b]Surjanovic, S. and Bingham, Derek (2013). Optimization Test Problems. Simon Fraser University.
[c]Hansen, N. (2021). CMA-ES, Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy for non-linear numerical optimization in Python. PyPI.
[d]Verstraelen, T. (2021). Optimization and Sampling. GitHub.